Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today in human geo. class we got four new freshmen students to are class, Matt, Doori, Nick, and Patrick.  We had to get them set up with bloger so me Daniel and Jake decided to help Matt with his blogger. First we need to make him a gmail but he coul no come up with a gmail userneme so we just made it simple then he needed a blog so we made one for him but in the process mested it up but we finshed it and emailed it to Mr Schick. Mr Schick did not get it the first try but he finally got it. After that Mr Schick gave us doughnuts and there where white ones and there were black ones I took a white one. After that we did nothign but play around but me Jake Matt and Daniel gave Mr Schick a present to wawa. Overall it was a fun day in human geo. we did almost nothing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

      Today in class we started off human geo. with Damon leading the song happy birthday to Eryn while she was wearing the happy birthday hat. Eyrn was not exicted about it but she got smarties. After that he went over a essay with us called "A Message To Garcia". The story is about this guy named Garcia and know one can find him but this one guy named Rowland knew where he was and offered to go find him. The author then started to tell us about how know one is like Rowland anymore so willing so hardworking and not lazzy. The author also made it seem like each generation is getting worse. At the end Mr Schick explained to us about culling thr heard or survival of the fitest "to weed out the lazzy people". The point was to do whats right even when your boss or whoever is not around work just as hard.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The first thing we did today in human geography was say are prayer like we do in every class after are prayer we got are assigned seats. Once we were in are assigned steats Mr Schick went over the syabus with us. He told us that we had to write are blogger and that it had to be 150 to 200 words long. After that he went over the expectations that he has and he told us a story where he told a girl that she use to teach that she had to do her exam on the cruise that she was on.  Then Mr Schick anwsered quetions about the blogger. Then he asked who could connect to the internet. I could not connect so I got Liam to help me and now it works! After that we played some rice game it was really cool you learn all these countries but you also donate nice with everyone you get right. It was a good day in Mr. Schicks human geography class.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

                                                     My First Day at John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll was very fun and exciting.  It started in the auditorium where we had an asembily about Arch Bishop John Carroll.  After the asembily we went to meet are advisor. He gave us are lockers and then we had a fire drill.  After the fire drill we went to the cafeteria for a snack.  After the snack we got divided into groups based on the number on the fold we got.  In are groups we took are year book pitcures, we went to the library, to the auditorium and the brown room. After going to are stations we went back to the cafeteria for lunch.  After lunch we went to are classes.  It started with algebra 1 then went to french 1 then went to intro to bible then to Human geography and much more it end with heath and wellness.  After we went to all of are classes we went back to the auditorium to wrap up the day and we took are school picture with all the other freshmen.  Over all it was a great  day at The John Carroll School.