Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So we can blog about anything so im going go to blog about me i am 14 years old my full name is evan myler moore and thats all about me this was a great blog:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 20 11:36 am

today in class we got in formed that we have a test on  Wednesday and that we need to come up with question to be on the test so the first question I have to give is we should have to the list the religions in order to when they were founded. another question could be why did god stop him from killing his son and why did god ask to him to kill his son. my third question is that  when was Jesus born (trick question). he was born in the spring. (Not on December 25) who were the first to land on america another trick question its the vikings and there are some of my questions that I think should be on the next test for human geo. :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Today in class we took notes on Ethnic Heritage and a little bit of religion.
Ethnic Heritage is were you have two groups of people in one country. A lot of times this can led to war in example of this is in Sudan you have the Muslims and the black Christians and this led to war and fighting over land and oil and the Muslims started killing the Christians. Religion can be both unifying and dis unifying force. (Most wars are fought over religion.)
After talking about that we started talking about  religion and about how Jesus could have been married and how he could have had brothers or half brothers. The only thing is, is that we will never know. We also talked about who spread Christianity more then Jesus and that was probably saw/Paul. At first Paul use to kill Christians but then one day when he was on his horse/maul animal god asked him why he was killing all of this people and god made him blind. So then Paul started begging and telling god that he would stop so god made him able to see again and he started preaching Christianity and telling people about his story and like writing letters to people and he is arguably the one who spread Christianity the most.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Today in class we had a sub and he made us do this....

Christianity started at around 30 AD. Christianity is a monotheistic religion which means they believe in one god. Christianity holy book is called the Bible and is usually made up of 66 books combining the sacred Scriptures of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Christianity has around 1.3 billion followers. Jesus is the central figure of this religion.
Christianity is practiced mostly in the Americas (North and South America), followed by Russia, Europe and Australia.



 Tradition holds that Judaism was founded by Abraham in the land of Israel, about 3800 years


ago. Archaeological evidence of Jews (Hebrews) in the land of Israel dates back 3600 years.


Judaism is a monotheistic religion. The Hebrew Scriptures, referred to by Christians as the Old


Testament, are called the TANAKH. In 2010, the world Jewish population was estimated at 13.4


million, or roughly 0.2% of the total world population. About 42% of all Jews reside in Israel


and about 42% reside in the United States and Canada, with most of the remainder living in






It was founded in 622 CE by Muhammad. Islam is a monotheistic religion. There holy


book is the Quran. There is about 1.6 to 1.7 billion followers. The central person for this


religion is Muhammad.  The geography is the middle east.





It was founded in 460 B.C. It has 350–500 million followers. Buddhism is a monotheistic


religion. It clams about 550 million followers and it mostly in Asia.




            Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 BC in India. It is a polytheistic religion. They have

several holy books,  this religion has around 1 billion followers.


The central figures in Hinduism are there gods and there is more than one and it’s in Asia.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So today in class we took notes from a power point about culture differences.

The three examples are religion languages and ethnic heritage. I learned that many countries   not everyone speaks the same language and I also learned that in 1984 america did not do the Olympics cause it was in Russia and I thought that was dumb that should not have happened.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today in class we went over our power point and someone in my group said the Europeans did not come over to america to take the land and well that is the exact reason i mean at first they were trying to fin another way to india and then they found america and it is really easy to concur  so thats what they did. another thing that bothered me is when some one said that the Europeans were the first to discover America and there wrong the vikings were the first just the did not stay they saw nothing here and left. a truthfully they weren't even the first to discover it people from asia a long time migrated over and thats how we got the native Americans.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Today in class we went over the test we took I did not do that well but I still Spelled Pittsburgh right.
After that we started talking about chris columbus he sailed the ocean blue in 1492 but the vikings came here first and they landed in the candan area. they were not the first to stay. we had to break out in groups and talk about are people i got the questtion of how they found this place and they were trying to find a way to get to inda fast and they discovered somthing else

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Today in clas we had a test it was not hard it was on the movie that we watched i think i did okay. i know i spelled the citys wrong but other then than we did nothing else

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today in class we talked about what we did wrong on the google doc. then we talked about how it

would take $6,000 to get john bul doa to come to are school and talk to us but we might try ot get

panther. we also talked about what websites where good and bad for donating mr schick told us that

even if 88% of the money goes to the cause its still good. would have never guessed that. I liked the
women for women wesite same with the red cross but others liked the panther foundation witch is

realy good too.

Today in class we did this experiment where everyone could right on the same blog. I thought this


would be a good idea who was wrong umm me. It was a very bad idea everyone started deleting


each other post and writing names on others peoples but we did get a lot of info I found the women


for women program they give food water and other supplies to the women in southern Sudan. We


also found the red cross program witch is amazing and I really like it.   And there are a lot of programs


that give laptops to the people in Africa so they can learn.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Today in class we finished up the movie. It was aa very good movie makes me wanna help. But we

were talking and what could you do to help there is really nothing we could do. sending money

wouldnt help food wouldnt really help all we could do is send troops and were all ready in a bunch of

bigger things and it wouldnt help. John bul Doa thinks diffrently he keeps fighting trying to help and

he has done a better job at it then anyboady else. panther wants to go back and open a school and

teach the kids of sudan. John Bul Doa is opening a hostible/ medical place. The are all trying to help

out the country "Sudan" more then anyone there giving them all of there money and they have littlr

trying to help and thats whats so insprational about this.