Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today in class we watched some more of the movie it was really funny watching these people who

came from nothing go to some great places like new york and try to live the government is providing

them with shelter and food and money for 3 monthes after that there on there own and i was

wounding who is going to give them a decent job that could pay for everything they need when they

are rubbing shving cream as soap.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today in class we got are test back i got an 82 on it witch is not bad but i feel like i could have done

better. We went over the test and what we got wrong on of the ones that i got wrong was what

country has the most immagrents coming in to there country usa mexico or canda i put usa but it was

canda after that we tryed to watch the reat of the movie but we didnt finish it.
Today in class we had  a test i think i did good it wasnt that hard but i dont know. After are test we

watched a movie it was really interesting to watch and these people kids basicly walked and walked

for miles for like 5 years to get away from this war and some of them are going to america and think

ny is like a country it amazing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in class we walked in and he told us a little bit more about this test on friday. Then we all took

so time to email mr schick powerpoints and other things of that sort. My group still had to finsh our

power point but we finshed it. Then every one started to showed the class our power point but we got
cut off by the bell and thats what we did in class to day. I also learned that doorie talks with her hands


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today in class i learned Thoughts become words,words become actions, actions become habits,

habits become character, and character becomes destiny. we also worked on are power point i got

India. It was pretty esay. we talked about are test on friday, and that we had to learnThoughts become
words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, and character

becomes destiny. Thats what we did in class today.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Today Mr Schick told us that class was going to be really boaring. It was -_-  we took notes the

whole class. He told us we were going to to have a test soon on the notes. We talked aout birth rates

and population increasing and decreasing. After that doorie told us about this song and we played it

and it was so funny but you couldnt understand him. It was a fine day of human geo class.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today in classes we finshed talking about the 25 questions we had for class . Then Mr Schick told us

about sexual drives. after that we watched a video and we had to pick to things that i think where

interesting about it I choose how there are more india honor students then us has students. I pick that

becuase it is important to india i think think it should be important to us. The other one I picked was

how they are currently preparing stuudents for jobs that dont exist yet. I think thats important because

that will be the jobs out there and you have to be prepared for it. thats what we did in human geo.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today in class we anwsered questions that were for hone work. We also talked about 9/11 a little bit

and how they thought it started world war 3. We talked about what was made in China and every one

took there shoes off and looked to see if it was made in China. Then he gave us smarties and they 

were yummy. That pretty much all we did.

Monday, September 10, 2012

1 United States population is 313,847,465

2 The five largest  countries by population  are China, India, United States, Indonesia, and Brazil.

3 The population of Pakistan 190,291,129

4 The United States government is constitution-based federal republic, democracy

5 Zimbabwe's Unemployment Rate: 95%
6. The largest country in the world by area is Russia

7. The country with 3rd greatest number of airports is Mexico

8. The country with the greatest number of exports is China

9. The country that exports the most Oil is Saudi Arabia

10. The country that imports the most oil is United States of America
11. The country that consumes the most oil are  United States of America
12. Women can serve in the military in china
13. GDP is Gross Domestic Product
14. The country with the highest GDP 15,650,000,000,000
15.  The US ia in the top ten for GDP per Capita
16.The countries with the highest birth rate are on Africa

17. Another country that is in the top ten is Peru
18 Africa is in the 10 ten

19.  Deaths from HIV/AIDS in us is 18
20. Us is not number one in cell phones.
21. Percent of US that is Roman Catholic is 23.9%
22. Percent of Mexico that is Roman Catholic is 76.5%
23. A net migration rate is the numeber oh people that come into the country relativeto the number of people leaving the country.

24. US is number one in net migration rate.
25.  Population of the entire World is 7,021,836,029

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today in class we talked about note taking. We learned a note is a fragment. We learned the reason

mr Schick does the bloggs is for us to take are notes and put them up here so we can understand them

more. After talking about that he stood up at the front of the room and started talking and we had to

take notes on it and put them all together. Mine was " Today we talked about illinois. Illinois has the

greatest population in the north west. Millions of poeple live in small farms and towns. Illinois's plans

cover most of the state thats how it got its nick name the prairie state."  After that Mr Schick told us

that exercise was for 4th graders. Thats what happend in human geo class today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today in class Mr Schick went well.  He walked in and asked us basicly who used and I

raised my hand thinking that i just got in trouble.  Turns out Mr Schick loves wiki in fact he is the

only teacher I know that uses wiki. Then we talked about witch websites would be best to use.  We

talked about how .gov is the best to use and dont use a website about opinon or if its a old sweaty guy

in his moms basement.  We also learned how to put links that dont stink on our blog. Overall today in

human geo. was a successful day.

Monday, September 3, 2012

#1 Arete means to reach your fullest potentail. Socrates and the greeks did this by telling people to think what they want and not folow just what people tell them to have there own perspective on things. The greeks did this by voting on things and getting everyones opinon.

#2 I think if Elbert Hubbard and Socrates traveled back in time i think they would be amazed how are government is so good and is like a replica of theres. I think they would be happy to see that were still a Democracy. I think they would be amazed with how advanced we are. They would be upset with how lazzy the peole are they became lazzy over time like we talked about in a message of Garcia.

#3 Im am going  to need to be able to stay orginezed.  If i get behind go talk to my teachers. Studdy more and work harded.  Stay out of trouble focus in class.  Stay off the games on my laptop and if i do all of this my outlook of the year should be good.